The white bellied spider monkey is a primate, obviously, but they do not travel on all four limbs like some of their relatives. (11) When it comes to their brain compared to other monkeys, their brains are a lot less complex. The do not have opposable thumbs and their nostrils are further apart than usual. (12) The jump tree branch to tree branch and use their tail as a fifth leg. Their tail is very muscular and can be anywhere from 75-92cm long. (12)
The spider monkey hangs by its tail, and because of their slender limbs that dangle along side of its body, they resemble a spider hanging from its web.

When they use their arms and feet the movement resembles that of locomotion because they grab hold of each branch, hand over hand. Although they spend most of their life in the trees, this doesn’t mean that they can’t move about on the ground. (11)
When it comes to life in general, they mostly depend on their binocular vision. (12) Having this kind of sight means that they are able to focus on one object using both eyes (13). A spider monkey can move up to twelve meters, which is about 40 Feet, all in one swift swing. (14)
do these monkeys see in color or in black and white?